No wiec myslalam, ze juz ominelam wszystkie problemy ale jednak nie. Cieszylam sie, ze wszystko dziala a tu .... gucio. Tzn. nie tak do konca ... wszystko dziala, jednakze przewiduje problemy. Otoz nawrzucalam na server mase zdjec a moj free disk space sie nie zmienia. No i wlasnie. Tutaj jest pies pogrzebany. Oto e-mail jaki dostalam:
"As you may have noticed, the disk space used in the albums directory was not included in the total usage for your account until this change was made. In order for your disk usage to be properly reflected in the control panel, files under your directory must belong to the same user ID and group ID as your "agatka" account. It may be necessary for us to change ownership and group membership on files in your directory in the future, to ensure accurate disk usage statistics. We are working to resolve the file and directory ownership issue. As soon as files can be generated automatically with appropriate identity, we will send you a follow-up e-mail message. Please accept our regret over any confusion or difficulty that this may have caused."
"The PHP script runs as the httpd daemon's owner and group. The Apache daemon does not run this script with the script owner's identity. The files created should belong to the script owner's UID and GID, for disk accounting reasons. The server admins are currently investigating the suExec and other options. Until that is complete, do you have any suggestions for running the weblog script to produce files owned by the script's owner, and not by the calling process?"
Oczywiscie pisalam to wczesniej, ale pozniej mialam problemy z "odrestaurowaniem" go, wiec teraz od nowa. A tak poza tym, to wtedy ja tak do konca dobrze nie przeczytalam tych e-maili a nawet jesli przeczytalam, to nie do konca zrozumialam a teraz ... wszystko jest jasne.
Ze zabraknie mi miejsca to juz wiem i nie moge tak w ciemno wrzucac zdjec, tylko co zrobic? Szukalam nowebo web host'a ale jesli daje odpowieni disk space to zazwyczaj php jest w safe mode albo cos innego zupelnie mi nie odpowiada, najczesciej cena :). Nic szukam dalej i czekam az tutaj zrobia cos z tym problemem.